Our Community

Our Community

TR2050 is a global platform that brings together expert reward leaders and academics to pool experience and ideas, to interrogate the future of reward and to collaborate on developing solutions to meet the challenges ahead as the workforce transforms.


Members, consisting of global expert reward leaders working for some of the top organisations in the world, who commit to bringing their expertise and experience to support a collaborative effort to lay the path to an effective future of reward.

Thought leaders

Our expert Thought Leaders lend TR2050 their expertise and insight, whether through their academic rigour and research or adjacent experience in the wider industry. This group helps to challenge the accepted thinking around reward.


The TR2050 Member community works across some of the biggest global enterprises, providing the collective with access to and influence over billions of employees worldwide. Our Members are truly shaping the future of reward.

Our members include

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A global perspective

To truly understand the world of work and reward, TR2050 Think Tanks gather research and insights from global leaders and academics.

North America

Thought leaders and academics

Anna Tavis, thought leader at TR2050

Anna Tavis

Ben Shenoy

Fermin Diez, thought leader at TR2050

Fermin Diez

Haig Nalbantian

Kumar Kymal

Michael Piker

Ruchika Salotra

Sandrine Bardot, thought leader at TR2050

Sandrine Bardot

Tom Gosling, thought leader at TR2050

Tom Gosling

Our founders

Dominic O'Kelly, founder and director at TR2050

Dominic O’Kelly

Martin Pfaendler, Founder and Director at TR2050

Martin Pfaendler

Our structure

Members are grouped geographically into Think Tanks, supported by academics and thought leaders and partners. The TR2050 team support them all. Each region has an Advisory Council to direct and drive the Think Tank in that region.

Learn from our experience